October 10, 2005 :: Family review time, part 2

You may recall that I went to a family wedding last May and wrote about my brothers bringing random girlfriends to the ceremony for review. Well, I had another family wedding this past weekend, in Philadelphia, this time on my dad's side. Whenever this side of the family gets together, there is always some drama. This time was no different.

My little sister decided to bring her boyfriend. Mind you, she's 21 and still in college. As far as we can tell, they aren't that serious, and she swears up and down they aren't that serious, and that she has no plans to get married, yet she brought him home (to LA) to meet the parents, and then brought him to this wedding. That in itself was enough to start people talking, but apparently to add icing to this cake, my father suggested she bring him. I can't imagine why on earth he thought that was a good idea, as he'd already met him. I know the family likes the boy; they've even gone to the trouble of renaming him. They decided his first name is too "ethnic" (i.e. ghetto-sounding), and therefore a professional liability, so they call him by his middle name. Never mind what his mama named him. Of course my sister got mad when the parents kicked her and the boyfriend out of their hotel room so they could have some privacy, and then mentioned that the family had procured an all-girls room and an all-boys room, so they wouldn't be able to sleep together. He doesn't want to sleep in a room with all strangers, she protested. Tough titty, I say... I saw that one coming. No way the parents pay for a room so the two of them can get it on.

As if all that wasn't enough, my other brother decides to quietly announce that he's gotten a divorce. As in final, kaput, completed. I guess it only takes six months in Virginia if you don't have kids, and he didn't want to tell anyone before it was final, in case they reconciled. My family doesn't do well with dropped bombs. They had already decided that his marriage was the only good thing going for him, when clearly it wasn't going all that well. I knew the older generation would have comments, even though every one of them has been divorced at least once, and some more than once. Silver lining, though... he'll be spending more time up in DC, so maybe we'll hang out more.