January 14, 2004 :: I voted for Al Sharpton yesterday...
and I am not ashamed! The situation here in the District of Columbia, if you weren't already aware:
1) The DC City Council decides it would be a good idea to move the DC presidential primary up on the calendar to be the first in the nation, so as to draw attention to the lack of congressional representation.
2) This pisses off a lot of people, including the Democratic National Party, for fear of pissing off Iowa and New Hampshire voters, whose God-given right to vote first was secured in the Hammurabi Code 4000 years ago.
3) The DNC strongarms the DC Democratic Party into making the primary election non-binding. Most of the major candidates aren't even on the ballot, only Dean and Sharpton, and of the two, only Sharpton actually campaigned in D.C.
4) I voted in the election on Tuesday.
5) On the following Friday, I received my D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics Official Voter's Guide.
6) On February 14th, I will crash the DC Democratic Party's caucus, in which they will select the delegates to the national convention who should have been selected as a result of the election. All you single and bitter people, watch for me being arrested on the evening news.