October 21, 2005 :: Cause and effect
I think I caused an auto accident today. OK, I don't think I caused it, but I may have been a contributing factor. That lady who rear-ended the guy in the Explorer, she caused it. But I probably had something to do with it.
The scenario: It's cool outside, and a bit drizzly today. I was driving in heavy traffic on a 6 lane road during the late morning commute. My lane had come to an abrupt stop, and the lane to my right was slowing but not stopped yet, so I quickly cut over in front of this Explorer. Those of you who have ridden with me and who have comments on my driving, keep them to yourselves! My record (no at-fault accidents, one time being rear-ended by an idiot, and 2 moving violations over almost 15 years of assertive, precise driving) speaks for itself. The Explorer managed to stop in plenty of time, as I wouldn't have cut in front of him if he had not been able. The lady behind him, however, clearly wasn't paying attention. A full second after he came to a stop, I heard that *crunch* that I've only heard once before, of a low-speed collision. I looked back in the mirror, and sure enough, the lady got out of her car almost immediately to look.
I took off. Yeah, I was a witness, but I didn't want anybody trying to blame me, either.
Now... was I at fault? Not in any legal sense of the word. Clearly the rear-ending woman will be dinged for the accident. What about the philosophical sense? Was she in a situation in which nothing she could have done differently would have led to a different outcome? Clearly not. Had she not been tailgating, there was no accident. Would there have been an accident had I not cut off the driver of the Explorer? Probably not. Should I feel guilty? Ehhh... I don't. But maybe I should.