November 02, 2006 ::
Lessons from Halloween
I know Halloween was two days ago, and we Americans don't really like looking back at holidays but instead look forward, but there are some observations I had that I just have to share with you all:
- The 5 minute trip to CVS to buy the $5 made-in-China hockey mask on your way to a costume party works if you are the only slacker in the room, and everybody already knows you are a slacker. When there are five guys in the room doing the same thing, it just makes you look wack.
- Your bathrobe is not a halloween costume
- Although I am sure it seemed like a good idea at the time, painting your entire upper body green and going as "The Hulk" doesn't really work well in practice. For one, if you are at a party in close quarters with other people, the paint rubs off on everything. But if you are dead set on doing this costume, please make sure you have enough paint to cover your entire exposed body. Thin streaks of greenish smudges doesn't really flatter anyone.
- If you're going to do a funky/different costume, pick one that's at least somewhat recognizable. Hybrid or obscure costumes don't work.
Yes, I am guilty of this one.
- If all the elements of your costume come from regular sections of your own closet, is it really a costume?
Yes, I am guilty of this one too. So sue me.
- For some reason, the press got all worked up this year over the fact that "sexy" costumes are in more demand than "scary" costumes, particularly for young adults. This is not news. Halloween is the best excuse of the year for any random woman to dress in a relatively slutty fashion, get drunk, do things she wouldn't do, and have a perfectly plausible excuse. We guys are onto this, although we will continue to pretend we are not so that you gals will continue doing this.