July 13, 2006 :: The lazy stroke
Recently I was talking to a friend of mine about a guy that she dated, and then gave the brush-off, mostly because she was more interested in someone else. And he won't go away. He, in fact, is getting more and more pressed, saying things that indicate he is, for lack of a better word, sprung. So I joked with her and said she must have put it on him. And she laughed, in that self-confident way, and said she did a few extra tricks with him. And now he wants to come back.
There are some situations in which you don't really want to put it on someone that you are sleeping with. Maybe you don't know if you want them to stick around yet. Everybody doesn't deserve your A game. These situations call for the "lazy stroke". The lazy stroke doesn't necessarily mean to just be lazy. You still want to put in a good show. But you don't pull out the extra tricks, the extra effort. Just give them enough to enjoy it, but not enough to stay hooked.
I know some men do this. I have even done it myself, in the past, although at this stage in my life I'd be more likely to avoid her altogether if she was not deserving of the A game. I suspect some women do this, too, so I'd like to find out: ladies, have you ever given someone the lazy stroke?